Featured Flower: Rose
Discovering the Beauty and Diversity of Roses
Roses are a timeless and beloved flower that are known for their beautiful colors, sweet fragrance, and thorns. With over 300 species, one-third of which are native to North America, the rose is one of the most well-known flowers in the world. This perennial plant thrives in full sun and is typically grouped into three categories: shrubs, climbers, and trailers.
When to Plant: Spring and fall are the best times to plant roses. Spring planting should be done after the last frost, while fall planting should be done six weeks before the average first frost.
Maintenance: Roses benefit from pruning, which keeps them healthy and a good size while allowing for proper airflow. The ideal time to trim rose bushes is in winter or early spring.
Navigating Thorns: All roses have prickles, which are outgrowths of the stem, but they are still quite alluring to deer. A physical barrier or repellant may be needed to keep pesky animals at bay.
The Symbolism of Colors: The color of the rose carries different meanings, making them a perfect choice for various occasions. Here are some of the most common colors and their associated meanings:
Red: Love and admiration
Purple: Passion
Burgundy: Devotion
Pink: Gratitude
Medium Pink: Congratulations, grieving, gratitude
Light Pink: Appreciation
Salmon: Desire, excitement
Peach: Thanks, gratitude
Cream: Charm and thoughtfulness
White: New love
Yellow: Friendship
Green: Good news, new beginnings
Blue: Mystery
Black: Chic style, grieving
Rainbow: Uniqueness, pride
The Beauty of Roses: Roses are a stunning flower that can bring life to any garden or indoor space. From shrubs to trailers, with so many colors and species to choose from, roses truly offer something for everyone. Explore the versatility and beauty of roses for yourself and discover why they are one of the most cherished flowers in the world.
Life Cycle
Sun Exposure
Full sun. Minimum 4 hour/day
Soil Moisture
Moist, well drained slightly acidic (ph 6-7)
3-6 Feet
Bloom Time
Late spring to Early Fall